
It's Tiiiiiiiiiiime

Today, 李培楠 aka TIME, beat Maru and marched towards the Blizzard Con. This is probably the first time ever that a Chinese SC/SC2 player have ever had the chance to touch the crown. I still remember when I was a little kid and I used to watch WCG. It’s Time!

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Ahhh, 白上吹雪 is so cute! (People are different, they differ in ideology and political spectrum and a lot of other things. I used to believe people can understand each other…But no, no longer, world is away from flat again.)

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I always wonder if existence is a thing and that sense gets stronger and stronger when I spent my summer away from home. What is the meaning of existence? Pieces of information generated by myself? The enjoyment and fulfillment after a great dinner? I don’t know. Hope the world can be as easy as our computers. The bits never fail a person.

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The Untagged Price

Just in case you may reading it long after 2019, there is a riot in Hong Kong. People going on the street for a law that allow the mainland China government to extradition criminals from HK. The reason? A HK citizen killed the only child, a girl, of a family and fled back to HK. I believed he was not charged with any crimes by the judges in HK because it was not happened in HK. But no one cares about it now.

For what I can tell, this incident or “color revolution” is a pure show for most Chinese people. Unlike what happened in CCCP, Arab, and other places. We, because of the GFW, are actually witnessing the how terribly a lie the “Freedom” is. The control of medias. turning white into blacks. Well organized sabotages, just in case you don’t know, molotov and high power laser. If one say that is a peaceful gathering I will do that “peaceful” thing to his or her home.

So what is this thing? I don’t understand, and I don’t care either, But for those people who lived in HK, how can they just buy the situation? The price is so easy to see. HK will never be that asian wonder city anymore. Those seven-million people will have no choice but pay for the “Freedom”

I shouldn’t write about this, but I feel the need to. It kinda shows how disappointing I am to the western political and social structures. For the school of Frankfort and the greater good.

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Through The Year And Far Away

It’s been a year since I have finished setting up this site and time sure travels fast. It is now 1:32 AM in the morning here at Bethlehem. I could not get myself into sleep in the last hour and I feel that need to writing something. To be honest, I really don’t feel the time passing by, like, I feel I’m supposed to be sitting in my high school classroom and waiting for the next class. But all of sudden, I’m almost a college graduate. I had dreams about future and most of them are actually quit close to a realization. But I just don’t feel the same way as I used to. The excitement and that everlasting itchy seems to just abandoned me. To be honest, I think the me from my teenage era is fading away, together with that passion and energy. I’m not sure if it just because I came to this rural town to spend the best four years of my life or it’s a common grow up issue that just come too late. But anyways, It’s been a year, and according to the data, I should expect fifty more years to go. It will be a long long march, no one knows where the road will lead us to, nor if there will still be a road. But this is life, expect the unexpected, experience the inexperience. Till my last breath I shall stop.

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Summer Is Here

It’s now 30 degrees celsius everyday now. I wonder what gonna be like in July and August. Also, for the research part we are doing fine. We are now even try to apply the most recent innovations onto our systems. Honestly we are still far far away from the promised autonomous future. But we will be there, in my opinion in a very short amount of time.

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First Week In New Apartment

I have recently move to a much better apartment. The experience here actually makes me wonder why I didn’t move on the first day when I realized I lived in a trash can about a year ago. Oh also, a kitten will spend this summer with me. SayHitoKitten

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Last Day Of Junior

It is the last day of class(for me) of junior year. I can’t believe I really travelled this far. The days of high school seem to just passed and I am still that young teenager. But I acknowledge everything has changed, I started to think of getting a master degree and, more importantly, I feel that sense of explorer coming back to me. Maybe after the three years of wondering I am coming back to who I am? The everlasting itchy is pulling me back to the infinite seas.

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