
Live Alive

I don’t usually consider myself as an Otaku, but there do exists a few animations that I just can’t resist. 涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱 is one, the dearest dream in the first ten years of the 21st century, the best story ever been written by a Japanese, the first so called “light novel” that was been made into a animation, the eterneal dream of 100 million fans. Now is really the best time in a year to watch it(it’s never-ending august)

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China Joy

It’s China Joy time! China joy is quite unique, it’s not a comicon since there are a lot of technology-side thing going on. I would say it’s a CES with a comicon happen together. I always want to be there, but for all kinds of reasons, not until this year I finally have time to get to enjoy it.

(About photos, it just seems too unrealistic to share all the photos in their native resolution, compressing they will also affect the quality since I took them in RAW. I might find a way to show them sometimes later

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Travel To Shenzhen And Guangzhou

So here I am at the southern part of China, I came here mainly for the RoboMasters hosted by DJI Innovation. One of my best friends in high school is competing. I also have something on my bucket-list, 华强北. The heaven of geeks and people who are still in electronic fever. I will make another post about the pictures I took during the trip. One more thing, I was trying to find a FujiFilm ACE460 one-time use film camera but they might just go extincted here.

Written in GuangZhou, China, the heart of light-industry.

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New Camera!

I got a new camera today. It’s a Fuji X-T100. APS-C Bayer Array sensor with the new 15-45 len. It’s pretty much a XA-5 in a XT-20 body, but I need EVF anyways so I don’t have much choices. I will use this to shot some nice pictures during my summer.


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