
New Semester Starting

Tomorrow will be the first day for 2019 spring semester, the sixth semester out of eight. I am feeling a sense of disorder or time been distorted somehow. My first day of university looks like just a few weeks ago and the world is still the same as I left my high school. But I kinda have that idea of world been changed. Hell, who knows. I wish I could loop my high school forever. That was a proper time I have experienced …

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End Of Year Summary

我认为最重要的是 “打算迈向真实的意志”(SGNB) “决意贯彻真理的勇气”

本文共 789字,阅读需要 3分钟


这一年的上半部分很舒服,课很chill,认识了更多朋友,各种方面来说都很靠谱。我对大二下半学期的记忆停留在一个能把人逼疯的写shell和一万个舒服上。甚至暑假也是如此,实习的时候都干了一些比较刺激的活,比如整理精确到各位的人口数据……。 而下半学期则充斥着不可描述,例如房子的问题,还遇到了人生第一波真正意义上的傻*(我就不明白了,讲真话有那么难的???)。加上临近学期末竟然被学校gank,离期末两周的时候把老师换了(怀念jloew,mspear什么辣鸡)。不过还是有美好瞬间的,比如我们做出来的聊天软件,完成度可以说是难以置信的高。比这更好的,是我想到了我该做什么,软件工程略显单调,人工智能华而不实,唯有我嵌入式系统,博百家之长。这是唯一指定真正的全栈,指的不是从前端到后端,而是从写assembly到训练模型的全栈。更何况看看现在我们的发展情况,一年发射上去的质量估计没有掉下来的多,估计要不是机械飞升就只有打出gg。在最近几天我还看了看我曾今收藏的东西,视频和文章一类的,感触良多。我们正生活在一个变革的时代(指Innovator),我们现在的人工智能算法是如此简陋,但是同时又如此的高效,甚至不用等到singularity我们就能有强人工智能,甚至神谕机也不是遥不可及。我还记得我小时候还没有智能手机的时候,就像是两年之前一样,而现在以前遥不可及的智能梦想现在都可以做出完整的价目表来了。不过到现在为止,明年似乎都是坏消息,三剑客的不知道多少年的演艺生涯就要结束了,the last night 似乎要冇了加上各种其他奇奇怪怪的问题……不过也有好消息,比如Mazda重新生产Rotary Engine啊,新的深空探索计划啊什么的。总而言之在这个艰难的充满挑战与机遇的时刻,祝福所有人能够勇往直前。Rage, Rage, Against the dying of the light,

最后点一下题 Veritas Et Fortitudo!

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Midterms Over

It’s almost a month since my last post. Nothing too special happened, got second place in a Google’s activity and finished all Midterms, grades are above average and really there are not many things to say. Still have a lot to work on, things are getting less and less attractive …

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First Month Done

It’s been a month! I didn’t actually feel it until I finished the first monthly exam yesterday. I have spent another 1/12 year of my life in return of some knowledge. However, I do feel a bit strange, that feeling of inconsistency still bothers me from time to time. What am I exactly doing here? Should I setup a goal? Anyways, that would be an issue for some other days, still have some projects and exams to do.

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First Two Weeks Of School

HoHoHo, it’s been two weeks since the start of the school and I’m going to have the first career fair in my life. Nervous, a little bit, I don’t typically want to work in the United States, I want to go explore the world a bit. Working in different countries and meet different cultures. Limit myself in United States is certainly not desirable. Maybe europe, such as Finland, Poland, and Czech. I have dreamed about working in places like these fantastic countries since I was little, maybe 6 years old?

PS: I had an allergy last week(maybe shrimp) and the temperature dropped about 15 celsius in one day….

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Back To School

It’s been two weeks since the last post and I was having a lot of trouble in the past few days primarily caused by airline delays and the unacceptable housing condition. But anyways, I have now settled and ready for muy junior year. I believe I will have a lot of fun this year since I’m taking a lot of interesting classes. ps: I also got a credit card, but I don’t know how to use it in a more efficient manner….

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