Through The Year And Far Away

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It’s been a year since I have finished setting up this site and time sure travels fast. It is now 1:32 AM in the morning here at Bethlehem. I could not get myself into sleep in the last hour and I feel that need to writing something. To be honest, I really don’t feel the time passing by, like, I feel I’m supposed to be sitting in my high school classroom and waiting for the next class. But all of sudden, I’m almost a college graduate. I had dreams about future and most of them are actually quit close to a realization. But I just don’t feel the same way as I used to. The excitement and that everlasting itchy seems to just abandoned me. To be honest, I think the me from my teenage era is fading away, together with that passion and energy. I’m not sure if it just because I came to this rural town to spend the best four years of my life or it’s a common grow up issue that just come too late. But anyways, It’s been a year, and according to the data, I should expect fifty more years to go. It will be a long long march, no one knows where the road will lead us to, nor if there will still be a road. But this is life, expect the unexpected, experience the inexperience. Till my last breath I shall stop.