The Untagged Price

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Just in case you may reading it long after 2019, there is a riot in Hong Kong. People going on the street for a law that allow the mainland China government to extradition criminals from HK. The reason? A HK citizen killed the only child, a girl, of a family and fled back to HK. I believed he was not charged with any crimes by the judges in HK because it was not happened in HK. But no one cares about it now.

For what I can tell, this incident or “color revolution” is a pure show for most Chinese people. Unlike what happened in CCCP, Arab, and other places. We, because of the GFW, are actually witnessing the how terribly a lie the “Freedom” is. The control of medias. turning white into blacks. Well organized sabotages, just in case you don’t know, molotov and high power laser. If one say that is a peaceful gathering I will do that “peaceful” thing to his or her home.

So what is this thing? I don’t understand, and I don’t care either, But for those people who lived in HK, how can they just buy the situation? The price is so easy to see. HK will never be that asian wonder city anymore. Those seven-million people will have no choice but pay for the “Freedom”

I shouldn’t write about this, but I feel the need to. It kinda shows how disappointing I am to the western political and social structures. For the school of Frankfort and the greater good.